LMS Orientation Steps

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

The following links are videos for your orientation and guidance on how to get started with your study material (LMS):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wolq6M2_DIAhttps://vimeo.com/521790313/9e63b5780f

If you log in for the first time or forgotten your password, you need to create your own student login password. On the login page https://learn.stockmarketcollege.com , follow these steps:

  1. Click on Forgotten Username or Password.
  2. ONLY search with your email address on the second search field “Search by email”. The Username search field must remain blank, check that autofill did not enter your email automatically. If so, remove it.
  3. Open the email you received and click on the link to create a password.

Please register for your Stock Market College online lecture by using the follow steps:

  1. Log in on your LMS and access the module Lecture Schedule.
  2. Select the lecture that you want to attend and complete the registration form on the next screen. The first lecture you start with is Platform Training.
  3. After the registration, you will receive an email from ZOOM with the lecture dates and times. There is a big blue block “Join Meeting” that you must click on to access the online ZOOM lectures. NOTE! Contact QuickTrade urgently if your MetaTrader 5 trading platform is not installed and logged in on either your phone or your computer, you will need the platform as part of your studies. You can contact Stock Market College and QuickTrade directly on the LiveChat function which you will find on their websites www.quicktrade.co.za www.stockmarketcollege.co.za  or on the QuickTrade portal https://portal.quicktrade.co.za The LiveChat function is available for immediate assistance Monday to Saturday between 8:00 and 22:00 and Sundays between 8:00 and 16:30.
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